Bishop Bard Preaching in Lenawee County August 26th.

Clayton and Rollin Center United Methodist Churches  are pleased to host Bishop David A. Bard of the Michigan Area United Methodist Church on Sunday August 26th. He will celebrate Rollin Center’s 150th year at 9:30 AM and will be at Clayton at 11:00 AM. He will preach on “The Wild Farmer’s Almanac” at both churches.

Following the services there will be a Potluck luncheon at 12:15, at Clayton, honoring Bishop Bard. The Public is invited to hear him preach and/or join us for lunch.

The Clayton United Methodist Women will provide ham, drinks and table service. Attendees are welcome to bring a dish to pass.  We just request an RSVP to 517-445-2641 so we have room for all.

This is a unique opportunity for representatives of the United Methodist churches in Lenawee County to visit with Bishop Bard and get to know him on a personal level as well.